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Orenda Technologies

Nitrates, Nitrites, and Urea in Swimming Pools

Nitrates, Nitrites and other Ammonia-based compounds can be confusing. We'll try to simplify it and why these things matter in swimming pools. We encourage you to read more into these subjects if you want to learn more.1 

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How to install a feed pump on a swimming pool

Automating chemical feeds in swimming pools is almost always a good idea. Orenda products are no different. This is a step-by-step guide with a video to walk you through how to install a feed pump on a swimming pool.

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How to Open a Pool with Crystals in it

What are you going to do if you remove a winter pool cover and find calcium crystals in the pool? If you have encountered winter crystals in the past--and you may have thought it was 'scale'--what did you do in the past? Did it work? This article will outline four things Orenda recommends if you are trying to open a pool with crystals in it.

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LSI first, range chemistry second

What if range chemistry is the wrong thing to focus on when managing water? What if the ranges do not always apply, like in the winter? Theoretically, the textbook ranges for chemistry are ideal. But in reality, that's not always the case. In this article we will explain why we prioritize the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) first, and range chemistry after that.

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Honesty in Water Chemistry Testing

Water chemistry readings are only as accurate as your test kit. And the history of that pool's water chemistry is only as accurate as your honesty (and diligence) when recording test results. In this article, we'll outline five rules for testing water chemistry.

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What is Alkalinity?

Total Alkalinity (TA) often gets confused with pH and words like alkali and alkaline. This topic is widely misunderstood in the pool industry. Most of us know how to test for TA, but may not know what it actually is, what it does, and why it's important.

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How to add calcium chloride to a swimming pool

How should we add calcium chloride to a swimming pool? How can we make sure we're handling it safely, and properly, to avoid unintended consequences? Adding calcium is not as simple as it don't just throw it in the pool. Calcium chloride doesn't dissolve the same way as dry acid, sodium bicarb or a non-chlorine shock; calcium chloride gives off a lot of heat. Like any other dry chemical, however, calcium chloride should be pre-dissolved in a bucket prior to adding to the pool. Let's explain.

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