
LSI Balance and Calcium Management | Pillar 1

LSI Balance and Calcium Management is the first of Orenda's Four Pillars. This is arguably the most important of the Four Pillars because it is about understanding water and how it behaves. This article aims to simplify chemistry, so it can be more easily understood. If you are a chemist (who is not already familiar with this subject) and you would like to get more in depth on the science of this topic, this is one of our primary sources. We will link to other external sources in this article as well. So let's get into it.

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The Four Pillars of Proactive Pool Care

Are you proactive in your approach to pool management and water chemistry, or are you reactive? Based on the types (and amounts) of products sold in the pool business, it is clear that plenty of pool people are reactive. According to Dr. Charles Bens, less than 10% of healthcare costs go toward proactive measures...which means over 90% is spent reacting to diseases and illness. In other words, over 90% of the medical industry is treating symptoms and consequences, not preventing them. Amazingly, the same argument could be made in the swimming pool industry.

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NSF/ANSI Standard 50 and the MAHC

Commercial Pool Chemicals must be NSF Certified or EPA Registered

"New: Specifies that numerous pool chemicals (stabilizers, pool-grade salt, clarifiers, flocculants,...

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Leave It Better Than You Found It

My grandfather has a few rules that go unquestioned and are universally obeyed. One of them is "leave it better than you found it." It could mean the bedroom I'm staying in at their home...or the kitchen after I eat lunch. It also applies to borrowing tools, the car, the tractor, or anything else that does not belong to me. Leave (or return) it better than you found it. A profoundly simple rule to remind us to respect others and their property.

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Nitrates, Nitrites, and Urea in Swimming Pools

Nitrates, Nitrites and other Ammonia-based compounds can be confusing. We'll try to simplify it and why these things matter in swimming pools. We encourage you to read more into these subjects if you want to learn more.1 

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CYA overstabilization-2

Over-stabilization Explained

Over-stabilization, Explained

Simply put, over-stabilization occurs when too much cyanuric acid is added to pool water.  Over-stabilization is a problem because cyanuric acid (CYA) can slow down chlorine’s ability to kill pathogens and algae.  To explain this, you need to know that hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is the active form of chlorine in pools.  The concentration of HOCl is affected by both the pH and the CYA concentration.  Figure 1 shows the well-known relationship between pH and HOCl.

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How to install a feed pump on a swimming pool

Automating chemical feeds in swimming pools is almost always a good idea. Orenda products are no different. This is a step-by-step guide with a video to walk you through how to install a feed pump on a swimming pool.

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