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Eric Knight

Eric Knight is a former competitive swimmer and American Record Holder. He is devoted to fixing indoor air quality (IAQ) problems in natatoriums and is currently the Director of Sales and Marketing for Orenda.

sunlight uv radiation and chlorine photodecomposition, orenda

Sunlight's UV Rays on Cloudy Days

It's a common belief that bright, sunny days lead to more chlorine loss in swimming pools than cloudy, rainy days. But is this really the case? We set out to investigate this theory. This article explains what UV does to chlorine, and the impact of clouds and cyanuric acid on chlorine photolysis.

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cyanurate alkalinity in pools, cya and alkalinity, orenda calculator

Understanding Cyanurate Alkalinity

For swimming pool owners and service professionals, understanding the role of Cyanuric Acid (CYA) goes beyond its basic function of protecting chlorine from sunlight degradation. This article explores the role of cyanurate alkalinity as a pH buffering system and how it influences the overall water balance.

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does chlorine affect pH in a pool? pH for pool, pH and chlorine

Does chlorine affect pH?

Chlorine products have different pH values when dissolved in water, but their impact on the pH of a swimming pool is not always significant. This article discusses how each chlorine type impacts pH and why.

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chlorine %, trichlor tablet showing 55% cyanuric acid and 45% chlorine, pool chlorine

Understanding Labeled Chlorine %

In our last article, we introduced the concept of the Mole, a unit of measurement that allows us to weigh atoms, ions, and more complex molecules. This article expands on that lesson to demonstrate how to read product percentages listed on chemical labels. In particular, we're focused on Chlorine %.

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Six Bad Habits in Pool Service

This article will outline six bad habits that you can change immediately–for free–that will give you an immediate return on investment (ROI).

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What is the ideal pH for swimming pools?

Traditional pool industry teachings tell us that maintaining the pH within the ideal range of 7.4 to 7.6 is crucial for swimming pools. But why? And is there actually an ideal pH in the first place? Let's find out.

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What is a Hot Start?

A "hot start" is a method for starting up a new or resurfaced pool using a lot of acid. It is extremely aggressive–by design–so it etches calcium off the surface, hopefully evenly. The objective of a hot start is to "burn up" plaster dust and any imperfections left behind by the plaster application process, so that the customer is left with a beautiful looking pool. A hot start may also be called a "zero alkalinity startup" or an "acid startup". This article will discuss what hot starts are, why they are used, how they are done, and the chemistry behind the process.

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NSF/ANSI Standard 50 and the MAHC

Commercial Pool Chemicals must be NSF Certified or EPA Registered

"New: Specifies that numerous pool chemicals (stabilizers, pool-grade salt, clarifiers, flocculants,...

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Leave It Better Than You Found It

My grandfather has a few rules that go unquestioned and are universally obeyed. One of them is "leave it better than you found it." It could mean the bedroom I'm staying in at their home...or the kitchen after I eat lunch. It also applies to borrowing tools, the car, the tractor, or anything else that does not belong to me. Leave (or return) it better than you found it. A profoundly simple rule to remind us to respect others and their property.

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