
Understanding Calcium Nodules in Pools

Calcium nodules in pools look like little calcium volcanos or blisters that ooze out of pool walls and floors. While there are varying opinions on this topic, in this article, we will explain what nodules are and why they occur. Then we'll discuss how to prevent and fix calcium nodules.

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Understanding Henry's Law, CO2 and pH

This lesson explains why pH naturally rises. If you maintain pools on a weekly basis, you have probably noticed that the pH is almost always higher after a week. That's not your fault. It's natural. This article explains why.

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Understanding Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is a metric used in water treatment that measures all dissolved minerals, salts, chlorides, metals, organics, and many other contaminants in water. TDS impacts water conductivity and is related to corrosion, chemical efficiency, water clarity, and is an often-forgotten factor in the LSI.

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Does Temperature Impact Cyanuric Acid Performance?

Today we are discussing two of the six LSI factors: water temperature and cyanuric acid (CYA). Specifically, does warmer temperature affect CYA's ability to protect sunlight? There is a widespread belief in the industry that hotter weather means you need higher CYA to protect chlorine from sunlight. So we asked a leading expert about what's really going on.

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Chlorine, pH and Cyanuric Acid Relationships

We have always been taught that pH controls the strength of chlorine. And that's true, except when cyanuric acid is in the water too. CYA changes the entire dynamic. Fair warning, this topic is controversial and contrarian to most textbooks and industry beliefs. But it is backed in science that we will cite in this article. Buckle up.

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Weepers, Efflorescence, and other Concrete Pool Shell Problems

Believe it or not, swimming pools can leak in both directions. Most of us think of pool leaks as water escaping out of the pool, but this article is about water pushing into the pool from the outside from hydrostatic pressure. We'll discuss what the consequences are, how to fix them, and more importantly, how to prevent these issues from the beginning.

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Evaporation and Accumulation

When water evaporates, it leaves behind minerals, metals, and other dissolved solids like salt. Naturally, whatever is left behind will accumulate over time. Let's discuss the impact that evaporation has on water chemistry, and how you can be proactive and adapt to it.

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Six Bad Habits in Pool Service

This article will outline six bad habits that you can change immediately–for free–that will give you an immediate return on investment (ROI).

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